Creating Custom Animations for VideoScribe

In this class, you will learn how to create your own animated vector images for use in Sparkol VideoScribe or other whiteboard animation software.

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Watch my class intro to get an idea of what you’ll learn in the class!


In this class, you will learn how to create your own vector SVG images or to use purchased vector images for use in VideoScribe or other whiteboard animation software.

We will be using Adobe Illustrator and VideoScribe. This class assumes you have some working knowledge of each piece of software. By the time you finish this class you’ll know how to create an animated SVG from a purchased or hand-drawn vector image, how to speed up or slow down the animation, how to add color, and how to either have the color load in or be ‘scribbled in’ on screen.

Lesson 1: Finding your ideal vector image

Lesson 2: How your vector will be rendered in VideoScribe

Lesson 3: Two ways to add color to your vector file

Lesson 4: Tracing a photo to create a vector image

Lesson 5: Creating text to use as an animated SVG in VideoScribe

Lesson 6: Modifying images from the VideoScribe library

Lesson 7: Overview and class project


  • Adobe Illustrator (begin a free trial here)
  • VideoScribe (begin a free trial here)

Click here to watch the class!

Online Class: Creating Custom Animated Vectors (SVG) for Videoscribe - Learn how to make your own animations quickly & easily.

Online Class: Creating Custom Animated Vectors (SVG) for Videoscribe – Learn how to make your own animations quickly & easily.